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Lightfoot Halfling Name Generator & Guide

“That’s fascinating” – thought the Halfling as he examined the strange item. One of his friends caught him glancing around suspiciously – “I don’t think that’s a good idea, Halbin” – clearly insinuating he should leave it the way it was found.

Generate Names

Horric Deepworth

Neree Took

Eiula ChubbBaggins

Barser Derwegglo

Annad Highhill

Frocey Stoneglade

Pergin Hogpen

Eobyn Banks

Taremin Bilberry

Unaola Vlirdidrerg

Arrin Hillbrow

Rosris Ironsworn

Forge Your Own Name: Discover Our Name Suggestions & Backstories

Table of Contents

When someone thinks of a Halfling, they usually have a Lightfoot Halfling in mind, as they are the most common ones. About 3 feet tall, weighing around 35 pounds, they are small and agile. If anything else, they are very adaptable to all sorts of situations.

The general consensus is that a Lightfoot Halfling is a sociable creature, always ready to make new friends. Sometimes this is genuine, but it can be a false pretense as they try to lure you into a false sense of security before making their move.

Halflings are fairly inquisitive creatures who like new information and gather as much as they can. They also like collecting things, from mundane items to artifacts and ancient and forgotten secrets. They do try to resist greed, unlike some other races.

Lightfoot Halfling Last Names

You never know what you’re going to get when it comes to a Lightfoot Halfling. It’s the same with their last names; some have it, some don’t, and some use their clan name.

  • Banks
  • Coldfall
  • Fleetfoot
  • Mistmore
  • Underhill
  • Rainwind
  • Kilzex
  • Quickbones
  • Silverfox
  • Littleleaf
  • Freeflower
  • Brownpipe
  • Roper
  • Dale
  • Boffin
  • Rumble
  • Silzes
  • Townsend
  • Hillbrow
  • Glosband

Female Lightfoot Halfling Names

Females pay attention to their looks, primarily when it comes to their hair. They rarely let it drop below their shoulders.

  • Therelle Noakesburrow
  • Lephina Noldeal
  • Odisys Northtook
  • Gelri Olas
  • Diada Palestream
  • Jilwyn Pinda

Belris Pott

As a collector of weird objects, her view on the world changed dramatically after a traveler passed through their village.

  • Eraara Proudmead
  • Yoree Puddifoot
  • Breora Richblaze
  • Lidtina Riverflower
  • Yeskis Rivers
  • Elilienne Rolri

Nedvira Roper

One of the best burglars and thieves the city has ever seen. If you can get her out of the bed, as she likes nothing more than sleeping.

  • Pruree Rumble
  • Oraphina Rumblebelly
  • Prucaryn Rumblewing
  • Fenmia Sackville
  • Nedgrace Salnir

Trynmia Silentfoot

If you have someone to spy on, steal from, or simply to be followed, Trynmia does it the best, and it’s not even close.

  • Anleigh Sewhaeth
  • Odilienne Shadowbranch
  • Arijen Silzes
  • Nedhaly Softblaze
  • Wellienne Springgleam

Male Lightfoot Halfling Names

Almost all males aren’t capable of growing a true beard, so many have long sideburn instead, while their hair is braided or woven together.

  • Xodak Burrows
  • Terich Gamwich
  • Corster Grub
  • Maryas Jallisall
  • Yennad Melilot
  • Norser Orgulas

Urimin Talbot

There is no instrument he doesn’t own, and even fewer instruments he doesn’t know how to play. Needless to say, kids love him.

  • Zalamin Underbough
  • Merkas Bracegirdle
  • Panzu Chubb
  • Linemin Gardner
  • Ricmo Hamson
  • Zenhorn Kaese

Koreon Millbridge

For the past month, he’s behaving very strange, though sort of becoming himself again. While others think high amounts of alcohol or mushroom is the cause, the reality is a changeling took his place.

  • Perorin Ostgood
  • Elzu Tealeaf
  • Vinwrick Weatherbee
  • Barumo Autumntrack
  • Eldon Banks

Wildak Bano

He has seen it all, heard it all, and done it all. If not, he knows a guy who saw, heard, and/or done it. If not, he most likely read about it.

  • Taremin Bilberry
  • Beltran Blackgrain
  • Haltran Blebblorbath
  • Xanwan Brandybuck
  • Sangin Brockhouse

Small and agile, Lightfoot Halflings are well versed for travel and adventuring. They are social, friendly, always open to new experiences, and aren’t easy to spot when they so choose. They make for excellent spies, scouts, even burglars. Careful not being a trouble magnet!

Did you enjoy this guide? Please, tell us some of your favorite names in the comments and share your own methods of coming up with a Lightfoot Halfling name.

Picture of Ozren Kalember
Ozren Kalember
As DM and a Storyteller, I very much enjoy all of the aspects of D&D. Creating characters, dialogues, plots, and stories are some of my passions and I'm very happy being able to share some of them here, at Codex Nomina.

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