Shirren are a race of locust-like humanoids common across the Pact Worlds. Most Shirren encountered by spacefarers of the region are new to individuality, having been formerly a part of the predatory hive mind referred to as The Swarm.
Their innate telepathic nature means Shirren communicate mind-to-mind more often than not, and when they do speak their mandibles can make their speech sound harsh to the ears of other people.
Good Shirren Names
Good Shirren names consist of several syllables that call to mind clicking and buzzing sounds.
- Thedlida
- Zeshkizei
- Vyzkan
- Thast
- Schazke
- D’vedlil
- Godla
- Zeshanu
T’sirest made the most pleasurable choice to become a mystic and serve the chapel of the starship Escapade. He has never regretted his choice, though it often vexes him just how hard it is to get his fellow crew to truly see one another’s value.
- T’selcan
- Xocsagau
- T’sidapu
- Gorok
- T’sorskiru
- Nect
Becoming a mechanic was not a choice Cizkik would have made herself, but she chose to follow her host’s wishes and make a life for herself this way. And there are many pleasurable aspects to her job. Though she does hate the way the machines spark sometimes.
- K’zash
- Cirkevo
- Kenkac
- Jedakt
Female Shirren Names
Female Shirren names make slightly more use of buzzing-type sounds than clicks.
- Coscoru
- Xarcade
- Geskac
- K’zyshkakt
- Jolsil
- C’temreza
- Heshac
Having found one of the two mates necessary to bring new Shirren lives into the world, Z’tasho desperately seeks the final piece. Though she knows it is silly, she feels her time is running out and that her choices will be denied her. It’s making her somewhat desperate.
- Gen
- Nedrivu
- Dazceru
- K’siglokt
- T’sirict
- Jyg
- Hak
- Xorast
Ambassador Gashkeko revels in her position not for its glory, but for the numberous choices she is called upon to make. Especially in terms of clothes or banquet details. She might even love it too much, and be on the verge of becoming literally addicted to her job.
- Schilshik
- Hesh
- Hizkest
- Thilkiro
Male Shirren Names
Male Shirren names make slightly more use of click-like sounds than buzzing sounds.
- Xeson
- K’zact
- D’vomkagt
- Kogli
- Nykt
- Thagt
- K’zigt
Vasact is scrupulously conscientious in his role as medic. He knows the danger the big life and death decisions have, in terms of making him addicted to them. That’s why he has an assistant to make all his other choices for him. Though that brings its own dangers.
- Desash
- Z’tekt
- Jelco
- Xirokt
- D’virigt
- Z’tekt
- Voca
Piloting is an interesting occupation. Sometimes the ship almost steers itself, other times quick wits and fast decisions are required. Thaleta loves it for that. Though there is always the temptation to take a small fighter craft out for a bit of a dust up. It’s a bad habit.
- Ziskigt
- Kedrag
- T’son
- Nok
Host Shirren Names
Host are the third sex amongst the Shirren. Good host names often include comforting sounds that feel nurturing.
- C’tizkaru
- Kizcect
- Xast
- Hylshish
- Dyzcenu
- Kadokt
- Z’tonenei
Someday Gil will bring offspring into the world, but until that day teaching fills the void. There is something pleasant about instructing young minds. It’s invigorating. Less pleasing is dealing with other host as part of the duties as an instructor. It’s honestly shameful, at times.
- Thydrakt
- Gylcig
- D’viglest
- Cedeze
- D’vak
- T’sosh
- Zamke
It’s nearing time for Vamig to find mates and fulfill the role of a host. There is one suitor in particular, Z’tasho, who is quite persistent, but Vamig isn’t sure this is the ideal pairing. Maybe if Z’tasho wasn’t quite so…desperate?
- Nesceg
- Vigovu
- Zagect
- Xogt
What do you think makes the Shirren unique and fun to play? How have you used them at your gaming table? Do you have any tips or tricks for coming up with Shirren names? Let us know in the comments below!