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Christmas Elf Name Generator & Backstories

“Everyone together now! One foot here….one foot there….it’s so fun making this teddy bear. Making children happy, helping Santa pappy, working all day, so no time for a nappy. Oy, Bluebell, sing with me! Everyone together now!”

Generate Names

Fluffy Giftpie

Cherry Frostycard

Glory Dreamfeast

Snowdrop Miraclefeast

Tinsel Miraclemilk

Gingersnap Nightstar

Shimmer Goodymyrrh

Gloria Chillybox

Holly Chocolatecake

Fig Hotcheer

Skittle Flippybell

Winter Cracklebeard

Forge Your Own Name: Discover Our Name Suggestions & Backstories

Table of Contents

In most cultures, at least English-speaking ones, Christmas elves were considered tiny humanoid creatures who live at the North Pole and help Santa Claus with anything he needs, while sometimes described as small furry animals as well.

They are often depicted as jovial creatures who like to have fun even when working and among many other potential tasks they might have they take care of the reindeer and create and produce various toys that will be used as presents later on.

Wearing pointy hats and red or green clothes, many say they are the ones to be thanked for everyone getting their presents, and some such elves become known, with names like Tinsel Chillmilk, Mint Magicjoy, and Snowflake Twinkleball.

Good Christmas Elf Names

A good name will usually have at least one word tied to Christmas and everything that comes along during that time of year but will also often allude to what kind of a personality the elf has.

  • Pine Sleepymitten
  • Tinsel Carolcane
  • Jingle Rhymesleigh
  • Blitz Frostyfriend
  • Pudding Sugarlaugh
  • Mint Chimneyhat
  • Buttons Nibbledash
  • Garland Sparklebow

Coco Ivynight

This elf is so jolly that others use his name as a reference to being crazy, although they do look at it in a very positive way as his eagerness never fails to rub off on everyone around him, and this makes everyone work harder as well.

  • Snow Cuddleglove
  • Brownie Frostcarol
  • Figgy Wiggledash
  • Sugar Chilltoy
  • Snappy Magicjump

Winky Dreamsledge

Whenever one sees her, she’s sleeping in some corner but whenever the completed toys are needed, her work is already done despite her seemingly missing all the time. As others wonder how in the world she managed to do that, she just winks at them and smiles as she passes by.

  • Choco Holifeast
  • Figgy Sugarglove
  • Pine Ciderbox
  • Blue Candlejump
  • Tinsel Jigglesledge

Female Christmas Elf Names

Female Christmas elves can often be more diligent than their male counterparts, though everyone has an equal responsibility, regardless of their gender.

  • Coco Nightsleigh
  • Bubbles Ribbonnight
  • Joy Partyhug
  • Berry Hotstar
  • Eve Giftsleigh
  • Emerald Holibow
  • Joy Sweetcard
  • Bling Carolsong

Fizzy Cuddledancer

She’s known to talk to the toys she’s responsible for, and some would even go so far as to say they are her best friends. Whatever the case may be, she’s a warmhearted person who takes great care of her work and is always there to help anyone in times of need.

  • Gloria Chillybox
  • Trixie Flippybox
  • Candy Sparklefeast
  • Dash Fruitivy
  • Honey Hotlight

Sprinkles Ciderstar

After several incidents involving alcohol, unbeknownst to her, she is now drinking magical wine that tastes exactly the same as the one she used to drink but has no effect on the mind. Surprisingly, however, her behavior hasn’t changed that much.

  • Belle Snowcheer
  • Mistle Happygame
  • Twinkletoes Carolwarmth
  • Snow Partydash
  • Pine Frostdash

Male Christmas Elf Names

Regardless of their gender, most elves tend to take their roles seriously, while allowing themselves plenty of time for various shenanigans and fun.

  • Sparkle Mittenstar
  • Choco Bustlejoke
  • Trinket Sleepywrap
  • Butters Cracklemilk
  • Shimmer Goodymyrrh
  • Fizzy Magicfoot
  • Gingernuts Cuddleicicle
  • Butters Cuddlejump

Alabaster Sweethope

There’s always enough time for anything you set your mind to, he often says. Determined, experienced, and still eager to work despite his old age, he already inspired more than a couple of elves around him, and they now look up to him in many ways.

  • Angel Jigglecake
  • Jangle Milkydance
  • Bing Chillyfoot
  • Rusty Fruitkiss
  • Blue Flippyhat

Fudge Wigglebell

Music, singing, or at least loud noises have to follow his every step and to ensure that he stitched three small bells to his belt, each different from another, that constantly ring and fill him with joy as he goes about his business.

  • Mince Wigglelaugh
  • Figgy Goodglove
  • Snowball Goodygame
  • Marzipan Hotfriend
  • Skittle Hotfoot

Funny Christmas Elf Names

Just as the elves can have lots of fun, despite working diligently most of the time, certain combinations of words offer silly names that provide even more amusement to the table.

  • Bushy Evergreen
  • Shinny Upatree
  • Sugarplum Mary
  • Fluffy Elfkins
  • Chewy Boots
  • Doody McDoodles
  • Tootsie Tater
  • Cranky Jingles

Dizzy Bonkers

While no one’s sure whether his state was caused by some accident or he was simply born that way, his somewhat erratic behavior hasn’t stopped him from doing the duties, no matter how mundane they might seem to others.

  • Dottie
  • Dopey Baloo
  • Stellty Elfy
  • Minty Carrot
  • Water Sprinkles

Giggle Pants

He likes to laugh, and if that’s not possible he’s most likely chuckling about some random topic. At the end of the day, it’s not hard to make him laugh, and to make the matter worse, or better depending on how one looks at it, his laughter makes his whole body shake, a fact that many find utterly amusing.

  • Kup Kayke
  • Dimple Twinklebutt
  • Merry McJolly
  • Perky McJingles
  • Eg Nog

These diminutive humanoids, mostly clad in red or green, and with pointy hats as well, get their jobs done with a seldom-seen tenacity. They live at the North Pole and are Santa’s helpers that take care of the reindeer, as well as make toy presents, and while their lives are filled with work they make sure there’s enough time for some enjoyment. Think about what the character might look like, what are their tendencies, what sets them apart from others, what kind of a personality they have, and think of a name worthy of all the fun the character will surely have.

Picture of Ozren Kalember
Ozren Kalember
As DM and a Storyteller, I very much enjoy all of the aspects of D&D. Creating characters, dialogues, plots, and stories are some of my passions and I'm very happy being able to share some of them here, at Codex Nomina.

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