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Kingdom Name Generator & Guide

The adventurers shot each other furtive glances as they got on their knees and bowed before the grand throne. “Good, good… I appreciate visitors who know their place,” the Queen crooned from the throne, the light catching the jewels on her crown. “Keep your manners sharp and you will go far in the Kingdom of Calanthe.”

Generate Names

Empire of Edessa

Thezmaer Kingdom

Fye Empire

Norbumin Kingdom

Helgum Kingdom

Tummulus Empire

Kingdom of Narva

Mariana Kingdom

Sangruil Empire

Kingdom of Skadi

Empire of Geulders

Empire of Orane

Forge Your Own Name: Discover Our Name Suggestions & Backstories

Table of Contents

Kingdoms, Empires, and everything in between make up the backbone of most fantasy politics. Whether local feudal lords are wringing taxes out of peasants or kings are building palaces to reach the heavens, someone in the kingdom has power to wield.

The name of a kingdom usually comes from its founder, like a mythical conqueror. In some fantasy worlds, if the kingdom rules over a particular race, they might give their name to the kingdom. 

Good Kingdom Names

The best kingdom names come with authority. You can imagine it echoing through a massive throne room. Kingdoms are all about power politics, so showing that power in the name is crucial.

  • Empire of Santok
  • Rusa Dynasty
  • Samar Kingdom
  • Azov Kingdom
  • Kingdom of Koda
  • Kingdom of Narva
  • Kingdom of Fyn
  • Telemark Dynasty
  • Kraghon Kingdom

Kingdom of Skadi

On the shores of the Verdant Lake lies this kingdom, famed for packing up entire cities and retreating on ships into the lake during times of war.

  • Empire of Jimi
  • Kingdom of Como
  • Kingdom of Casentino
  • Wandala Dynasty
  • Kuku Dynasty
  • Kano Empire
  • Ulaborg Empire
  • Abraicuria Kingdom
  • Kingdom of Gavaria

Credia Empire

The zealots of Credia have earned their reputation as cruel and devoted soldiers. Their armies march under the banner of a secret goddess whose name has never been spoken outside of Credia.

  • Literra Empire
  • Kingdom of Kithage
  • Ailech Kingdom
  • Glyswing Kingdom
  • Dumnonian Kingdom

Dwarven Kingdom Names

Dwarf kingdoms are unique, compared to the sprawling empires of humans. In their mountain homes, dwarves prefer to dig deep rather than wide, creating kingdoms that extend down toward the center of the planet where the deepest, richest mines lay.

  • Duridrar Kingdom
  • Masgream Kingdom
  • Grorhur Dynasty
  • Norbumin Kingdom
  • Kingdom of Grimaker
  • Yordumlin Empire
  • Graboki Dynasty
  • Kingdom of Lokromli

Silvrout Kingdom

Aside from their wealthy kings, this kingdom often appears in gossip for the bottomless mining shaft their capital is built around. Many visitors have fallen in and disappeared.

  • Kingdom of Daloznun
  • Baridoki Kingdom
  • Empire of Bhathag
  • Thezmaer Kingdom
  • Thufrim Dynasty
  • Haldaerk Kingdom

Yarnat Empire

Spread through the Blackthroat Mountain range, each city of this empire specializes in a different type of runic magic. When the mages fight together in war, they provide an impassable defense.

  • Kingdom of Thamdin
  • Derfir Kingdom
  • Vozmead Kingdom
  • Sangruil Empire
  • Orindoth Kingdom

Kingdom of Hammerkeep

Buried deep within the heart of the mountain, the Kingdom of Hammerkeep thrives. Famed for their blacksmiths who create weapons and armors that are unmatched in their quality and artistry, the echo of their hammers resonating against iron is a song of strength and resilience that reverberates throughout the realm.

  • Dynasty of Ironanvil
  • Empire of Stonepeak
  • Stronghold of Flintforge
  • Dynasty of Bouldercrown
  • Kingdom of Deepvein
  • Dynasty of Runebeard
  • Stronghold of Coalgrasp
  • Empire of Battlehorn
  • Dynasty of Thundertop
  • Kingdom of Anvilborn
  • Stronghold of Brassbeard
  • Empire of Silverquarry
  • Dynasty of Steelhand

Goldenhall Empire

Beyond the surface world, beneath countless layers of stone and earth, shines the Goldenhall Empire. Illuminated by the warm, soft glow of countless gold veins embedded in the cavernous walls, the city radiates a breathtaking spectacle of wealth and power. The Goldenhall’s skilled goldsmiths and jewelers are reputed across the land, their creations becoming symbols of prestige and grandeur.

Elven Kingdom Names

Due to the solitary nature of elves, their kingdoms tend to share a lot of the power with local rulers. Thanks to this structure elven kingdoms often stay stable for centuries. Still, loyalty to the King is expected and strictly enforced.

  • Aevum Empire
  • Vitalis Kingdom
  • Kingdom of Thera
  • Tummulus Kingdom
  • Kingdom of Aetas
  • Exalos Kingdom
  • Mementos Dynasty
  • Ceraun Kingdom

Kingdom of Umbris

This oceanside kingdom is prone to constant lightning storms. As such, the cities have developed metal rods to place on rooftops which can capture the lightning for use in advanced mechanisms.

  • Locus Kingdom
  • Imum Kingdom
  • Kingdom of Luceras
  • Scuris Kingdom
  • Lurris Kingdom
  • Kingdom of Prophis
  • Fye Empire

Emparal Kingdom

The pearlescent streets of the Emparal cities are well known. Their secret is a type of color-shifting marble only found in the mines of the capital, which distributes it to local lords as a gift to keep them in good graces.

  • Secos Kingdom
  • Exalos Dynasty
  • Centuros Kingdom
  • Kingdom of Stamen
  • Dynasty of Thalasian
  • Empire of Anorithil
  • Silverveil Kingdom
  • Dynasty of Lothelien

Kingdom of Eldanesh

Secluded within the folds of time and space, the Kingdom of Eldanesh emanates with an ethereal aura of profound tranquility. Renowned for their unparalleled mastery over astral magic, the people of Eldanesh have woven a tapestry of constellations that light up their night sky, telling tales of their ancestors and age-old battles.

  • Empire of Aranor
  • Kingdom of Illythiiri
  • Starfallen Empire
  • Dynasty of Thrandolin
  • Kingdom of Isilra
  • Dynasty of Elberethion
  • Kingdom of Melianor
  • Empire of Luthienara
  • Dynasty of Galanodel

Empire of Silvanari

Among the verdant expanse of an ever-blooming forest, the Empire of Silvanari thrives. A place where the language of nature is spoken fluently, Silvanari’s citizens are known to be skilled druids and beast masters. The ancient trees stand tall as testament to their profound respect for all life forms and the balance they maintain between civilization and wilderness.


Medieval Kingdom Names

Medieval Times were where most kingdoms were born. It makes sense that they could be found everywhere in a fantasy world also in the Medieval era. Many real-world kingdoms make great inspiration for fantasy kingdoms.

  • Kingdom of Cait
  • Empire of Geulders
  • Suzdal Kingdom
  • Kingdom of Trebizond
  • Benevento Kingdom
  • Navarre Dynasty
  • Neopatras Kingdom
  • Salona Kingdom

Vidin Empire

Starting as a small, mountain-locked city, this empire spread through its powerful horsemen who learned to ride in the nearby highlands. For years, the empire was the sole religious state in a region full of pagans.

  • Tridentum Kingdom
  • Kingdom of Nyland
  • Ammar Kingdom
  • Empire of Edessa
  • Cilicia Kingdom
  • Kingdom of Galilee
  • Lazica Kingdom

Song Dynasty

The river warlords of the Song established a network of trading barges who would transport gold back to the capital. There, the king melted it down and forged a pleasure garden made of solid gold.

  • Nanzan Kingdom
  • Kingdom of Reval
  • Empire of Orane

Did you enjoy this guide? Kingdoms are one of the most quintessential parts of fantasy worlds, so getting the name right for yours is important. If you liked this guide, share it with your friends and let us know what names you liked best by dropping a comment below.

Picture of Liam Blackley
Liam Blackley
I'm passionate about telling stories as a DM and I get a thrill from worldbuilding. Inviting players into these made up worlds that somehow still feel vibrant and alive is incredible, and Codex Nomina is a way to extend that invitation to more people.

19 thoughts on “Kingdom Name Generator & Guide”

  1. Hey, I’m working on a fantasy novel series and have the entire first book out lined but for the life of me cannot come up with kingdom names, I wanted to know if it would be all right if I used some of yours on here from the generator or if that might be considered copyright? Thank you in advance!

    1. guillaume brodeur
      Guillaume Brodeur

      Hey Knighton, feel free to use any of them. We’re happy to help. Just make sure they aren’t used somewhere else. While some come straight from our brains, many are gathered from a bit everywhere on the web. Good luck with your book. Send us a message when it’s published 🙂

      1. oh so everyone’s writing a book? huh! its nice to know im not the only one struggling. i mean… not really but its just rad

  2. Hey just wanted to know if we could use one of your kingdom names Cause me and my uncle are making a book And we need a kingdom name and we can’t think of one.

  3. Hi there thanks a lot for this I am currently making/trying to write a book and I will be using one of these names if that is ok with you Cheers

    1. haha im making a book too i don’t know if this is what i want though, but bravo this is very great!!

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